There are clear energy datasets on here, but we could really do with listing the whole lot. The example_dataset folder has those datasets that are clearly energy related.
The page [NYC OpenData Tech Standards/Extensions](https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/NYC_OpenData_Tech_Standards/Extensions) introduced a bad value into a template.
`|Extension version={{$VERSION}} [B{{$BUI…
DOF isn't keeping their opendata rolling sales up to date. I had requested we switch to the Open Data source and now I want to request that we revert back to the old method :-/ I'm sorry. I'll see if …
lblok updated
3 years ago
This dataset's license must be public domain (CC0).
Please complete all of the following sections, or the ghost of Joseph Pulitzer will spookily dance around your issue! A completed version of this template can be found at https://github.com/jsoma/data…
# FacDB Source Data Updates
Like most of our data products, source data must be updated in data library before FacDB is run. As there are are many source datasets with varied update processes, this i…
datahub.io has a lot of datasets on there, but many are duplicates and it's not specifically energy focused.
The NYPD Arrests Dataset project proposal examines crime from 2006-2018 in NYC. The dataset is called the NYPD Arrests Data which is owned by NYC OpenData-it is updated every quarter by the NYPD so is…
Identify up to 10 well-established data portals and categorize them by means of their plateform (“powered by").