Opening this ticket to discuss possible implementations for supporting web actions. Web actions are accessible at `https://{APIHOST}/api/v1/web/{QUALIFIED ACTION NAME}.{EXT}`, but this plugin currentl…
It is not an issue. But just a general query from my end. Does OpenWhisk support GPU acceleration?
I was going through [this](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OPENWHISK/AI+Actions) propos…
i am using js to solve assignment 4, I had no problem creating the actions, I can too invoke them now with wsk -i action invoke --param filename in example...
There is a libary inside npm…
Depends on #4
Some of our targets (notably JavaScript and Cloudant) could be deployed on openWhisk (https://openwhisk.incubator.apache.org) instead of being run through 'query runners'. This would provide for an ea…
I've been following the documentation on [how to set up OpenWhisk with a private Docker registry](https://github.com/apache/openwhisk-deploy-kube/blob/master/docs/private-docker-registry.md). A…
## The Openwhisk manifest spec for action limits:
## The manifest spec `limits` keys w…
Hi Team,
I'm trying react ssr solution with adobe io runtime.
when i deploy the application to io runtime (`yarn deploy`), i got the below message.
$ aio app deploy
> Build actions
Action deployment hangs forever when having a dependency to `openwhisk` module + parcel minification on build
### Actual Behaviour/Reproduce Scenario (including but not limited to)
1. `npm…