Make background image for Photogrid configurable through either Data Elements or a Config param.
### Pitch
hello, I would like this feature to be enabled by default in the preferencesfragment file. It makes more sense for links to appear as thumbnails (links previews) natively, it saves users fr…
I can't reproduce this reliably, so I'm guessing it has something to do with randomness. But I've seen it ~4 times. After selecting a photo, passage attempts to goto "DEFAULT" and breaks the gameplay…
Why don't found components PhotoGrid?I see the HomePage example have the component
Nice library. Getting some tasty console prop failures though.
ExceptionsManager.js:73 Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid props.style key `resizeMode` supplied to `View`.
Bad object: {
# Interface
Criar uma página responsiva em HTML e CSS simulando uma página do Instagram usando apenas o Flexbox e os conceitos do mobile first.
# Desafio
Esse desafio é para as pessoas inici…
First of all thanks for taking time and making these tutorials @wesbos. Using React **15.0.2** I have noticed that if I use:
``` jsx
{ React.cloneElement(this.props.children, this.props) }
As wr…
at com.zhihu.matisse.internal.entity.Item.isGif(Item.java:91)
at com.zhihu.matisse.internal.ui.widget.PhotoGrid.setGifTag(PhotoGrid.java:88)
at com.zhihu.matisse.internal.ui.widget.PhotoGrid.bindPho…
## 團隊簡介
[PhotoGrid](https://goo.gl/meiBZe) 是 IG 網美必備的相片編輯軟體,臉部貼圖、美顏自拍、梗圖、幻燈片、長條圖、Pattern 動態壁紙全都有!一個 APP,就滿足所有照片和影片拼貼及編輯的需求,再也不用下載一堆 APP 還怕空間不夠!你,就是 P 圖大師。
PhotoGrid 擁有 DAU 超過 500 萬、API request 超過 …
very conveniant package!
Just one issue I ran into after updating RN.
It works great in rn 0.25 but breaks
on line 66 in Photogrid.js { items.map(item => this.props.renderItem(item, itemWi…