`> Raw return: { "listeners": [ { "ID": 1, "listener_category": "client_server", "listener_type": null, "module": "http", "name": "http", "options": { "Bi…
## Empire Version 2.5
## OS Information (Linux flavor, Python version) linux
## Expected behavior and description of the error, including any actions taken immediately prior to the error. Th…
## Empire Version
## OS Information (Linux flavor, Python version)
KaliLinux 2019.1
## Expected behavior and description of the error, including any actions taken immediately prior to the …
**Describe the solution you'd like**
I am trying to use a step template I've developed for a custom slack notification in a project deployment process. I can see the `action_template` section I ca…
I normally use Slack as its Bot service is very easy to get up and running. Could you provide a Powershell Example of how I can get this "Outgoing webhook" up and running. Micrsoft docs portal…
当日使うチュートリアル資料(作業中のブランチ): https://pycon-jp-2020-tutorial-slackbot.readthedocs.io/ja/fix_and_update/
## レビュー観点
- ドキュメントに記載しているPythonのコアの説明や、pytest, Sphinx…
### 現在想定している流れ
- Pythonのローカル環境の状態確認
- VSCodeでのセットアップ状況確認
- Slackbot/pytest/sphinxを扱う開発環境のファイルをDL: Githubリポジトリにて用意
## Empire Version
BC-Security Empire 3.0.5 --branch=dev
## OS Information (Linux flavor, Python version)
Kali GNU/Linux Rolling VERSION 2019.2
Python 3.7.5
## Expected behavior and descriptio…
Hi, I'm running in to this exact issue and I can't figure out why. To start my bot I run the following for the configuration
$params = @{
Name = 'bot'
BotAdmins = @('@slackid')
When using
``` powershell
$botParams = @{
Name = 'poshbot'
BotAdmins = @('ryan.yates')
CommandPrefix = '!'
LogLevel = 'Info'
BackendConfiguration = @{
Name = …