| Q | A
| ---------------- | ---
| Bundle version | 2.4.0
| Symfony version | 6.4
| PHP version | 8.1
Composer.json restricts psr/log to (^1.0 || ^2.0).
3.0 added retu…
Hi @antonioribeiro
The latest version of thhis package, changed the compatiblity of the `psr/simple-cache` to ^3.0.
The problem is that now there's an incompatibility between PragmaRX\Countries\P…
Composer fails with Version mismatch.
composer require laminas/laminas-mvc
Using version ^3.7 for laminas/laminas-mvc
./composer.json has been updated
Running composer update laminas/lamina…
Please log using standard PSR-3, instead of error_log, thus a logger can be injected into objects.
could not find driver
CREATE TABLE "commands" (
"id" integer PRIMARY key autoincrement NOT NULL,
"name" varchar,
"description" varchar,
"synopsis" varchar,
"arguments" text,
We should make our logger [PSR-3](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-3-logger-interface.md) compliant, and make all the classes logging something to use this. This is es…
would it be possible to write logs to a PSR-3 compliant logger (Psr\Log\LoggerInterface)?
I'm currently using phpseclib in an Application which is writing all logs using Monolog. So it would be …
Add PSR3 compilant logger to [DoctrineGraphQL.php](../blob/master/src/DoctrineGraphQL.php) class also add log messages.
This package requires `cache/array-adapter` -> latests version 1.2 of it supports psr/cache `1 || 2`.
This packages allows `psr/cache` cache `1 || 2 || 3` but for the reason above it will never be in…
The `TransformationEngine` should accept a PSR-3 logger implementation and route it through to the transformers. This is a standardized way of letting the consumer of the library decide how and when t…