The structures within the retina are similar to cortex images, kinda. Perhaps there is something from the retinopathy deep learning research that can be used herein. For example, [Deep Learning Fundus…
[Project Report.docx.pdf](https://github.com/VipinaVV/DiabeticRetinopathy/files/13487742/Project.Report.docx.pdf)
data: unzip files
`cat train.zip.*>train.zip
## 💥 Proposal
Using Kaggle Dataset , Use dense layers will decrease the feature extraction ...which will eventually get us low accuracy to overcome that I would like to Use ResNet
I tried to reproduce your results, but after loading the pretrained weights, I can only get the model to predict `[1,0]`. Am I doing this correctly?
import tensorflow as tf
import tenso…
diabetic retinopathy
I am interested in the ordinal classifier, and are studying it using the retinopathy database.
I have downloaded https://www.kaggle.com/c/diabetic-retinopathy-detection/data
according to the sourc…
I recently read your article "A Benchmark for Studying Diabetic Retinopathy: Segmentation, Grading, and Transferability" published in TMI. Regarding task 1, segmentation of multiple fundus lesions, I …