The ntuples with the added `ANNPIDTraining` branches needed to calculate Greg's $\mu$ BDT have been [produced](https://lhcb-analysis-productions.web.cern.ch/productions/?wg=pid&analysis=r12pwg_pidcali…
Description of option 3 is available [here](https://indico.cern.ch/event/1136863/contributions/4769957/attachments/2414622/4131606/slides_pt_eta_weights_fix.pdf).
Ntuples are available at
@Svende Let's track our `prot` skim for `Lambda_b` progress in this issue.
## Project initialization and/or update
Note that the skim cuts are defined in this repo, NOT in `rdx-run2-analysis`,…
# Story
Current release (v0.5.4) processes only for the ntuple in the `Job` block and ignores `Systematic` block.
# Acceptance Criteria
Deliver ROOT ntuples that include TTrees and branches …
- Dataset content: is the TurboDST idea the right direction, how do we deal with global event data (e.g. isolation variables), how do we ensure independence of stripping line outputs etc.
- How do pe…
@friti and I have adapted your BParking nanoAOD code for our R(Jpsi) analysis and have noticed a strange, but perhaps known/intended, behaviour: some branches are saved with low numerical preci…
Hi there,
This is less of an issue and more of a question. I have some physics simulation that runs many events. I make 2D images of where energy is deposited in a detector over some x,y 2D histogr…
The misID validation fit performed in run1 is described in sections 7.4 and 9.2.3 of the [run1 ANA](https://github.com/umd-lhcb/group-talks/blob/8be920c9f756cc4e038b20a90d497aea0c397e54/ana_thesis/RD_…
Create records for the jet validation example in collection http://opendata.cern.ch/search?p=Run2011A%20collection%3ACMS-Validation-Utilities
It is done in two steps
Step 1: https://github.com/cms…
Ok so I'm missing out some obvious things like smearing and calibration and things but even in the event selection the leplep code requires an electron ID parameter of mediumPlusPlus found in https://…