the bug which is responsible for the 'additional' gadget in the ropchain is fixed.
It would have been good if I had known this earlier ;)
So, if you want you can change your lessen6 scrip…
sashs updated
5 years ago
hello, I have a question (might sound noob, I know)
but, why does ROPGadget successfully create the python code of the ROP chain sometimes, and some other times it doesnt?
And when it doesn't, wha…
get segfault for 64 bit, the 64+context.bytes are 72, and this seems to be the correct offset for the 64bit example.
on 32 bit
p.send(fit({76: rop.chain(), 200: dlresolve.payload}))
getting stil…
This feature should enable user to easily set a gdb breakpoint in a `ROP.chain()` from a pwntools script.
Perhaps it could be implemented under the `rop` module.
Examples of possible successful…
(bystander here checking new CVEs in the CVE feeds)
Recentyl a CVE popped up originating from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2319212 . The description in the Red Hat Bugzilla ent…
I was doing this challenge: https://2020.ctf.link/assets/files/kernel-rop-bf9c106d45917343.tar.xz
and the gadget `0xffffffff8246dc83: push rax; ret;` is returned for the extracted vmlinux. I used it …
Would it be possible to make the C sources available so we can modify and re-compile the ROP chains?
Let me know if I'm doing something stupid:
$ sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.14.3
BuildVersion: 18D21c
$ ./exploit id
2018-12-22 12:20:37 [+] Resolving symbols...
timwr updated
5 years ago
Hey man, i am on a network with lots of RouterOs 6.34.4. Tried your scripts but can't get a connection neither through Netcat or meterpreter! I used first x86 binary file and stackclashx86.
I got an idea. I want to implement a feature on r2 that when the user puts a debugger to a point, turring, finds a set of gadgets to use together for stack buffer overflow attacks.