**Describe the bug**
If there are a large number of annotations @owner,@epic, @feature, @story, the report receives the status interrupted and not a single test is displayed in it
**Steps to Repro…
Перевести асинхронную работу в RxJava2
Хорошее введение: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htIXKI5gOQU
Можно будет сделать long-poll и кеширование с Rx
Your lib is one of the best. But unfortunatly I cant use io.reactivex.android.schedulers.AndroidSchedulers May be you could update it to RxJava2?
Thank you.
suit for rxjava2
Do you have any plans for migrating or any guides for using it with RxJava2?
Since RxJava2 released 3 months ago, I think it soon will be a major blocker for using this library.
## [RxJava2](http://reactivex.io/documentation)
## [RxJava2 学习资料推荐](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UAEgdC2EtqSpEqvog0aoZQ)
## [Rxjava2.0新特性](https://zhangliangbo.wordpress.com/2017/05/13/rxjava2-0%E6%96%…
Hi, are you planning create a thirtyinch-rx2 dependency with RxJava 2 support?
I see in presenter you call `.subscribeOn(schedulerProvider.io()).observeOn(schedulerProvider.ui())`, i curious about testing and when I open ImmediateSchedulerProvider.java that `schedulerProvider.ui…
Report portal gives the exception
2024-09-26 16:08:17,483 [main] INFO c.epam.reportportal.service.Launch - Rerun: false
2024-09-26 16:08:18,346 [rp-io-1] ERROR c.epam.reportportal.service.Launch -…