I have noticed this issue long time ago, but just recently was able to isolate it - apparently bpyproj do not support projections where are datum/spheroid different from WGS 84 which cause slight scal…
Our shiny new `ops.proportional_selection()` operator is great, but could easily lead to bugs when applied to minimization problems. I tossed this operator into a script to minimize a spheroid, and i…
As you mentioned in DualPol_simulator.jl,
# Pre-calculated using T-matrix scattering code from Mishchenko (2000)
s_amp = Array{Complex64}(16,2)
s_amp = [ [5.93590e-05+(3.07940e-07)im] [-5.94…
verify the projections of all cellular spaces created from data scripts of terralib package. The created projections are different from the projection of the original data. For example:
**Describe the bug**
I was trying to CMORize the NSIDC-0116-nh and NSIDC-0116-sh datasets using the standard esmvatool CMORization scripts. This fails with an error "pyproj.exceptions.CRSError":
Example of a time shifter python file like this for the latest version where it will have start time and end time ?
Is there any interest in having a prolate spheroid analytic mag solution which incorporates self-demagnetization? I need to write one up to compare some results, and could do it 'fatiando-ish' if des…
Thanks for the script. I got a memory error while running the script on the Pennsylvania data. Any suggestions?
I was trying to reproduce your Tricycle paper SI results (Universal prediction of cell cycle position using transfer learning)...particularly, the negative binomial simulations in SI Figs S1-…