### tuqui
I teleported to the street, walked to the right, and fell off the view - my little green dot fell all the way off my monitor :o
### User Agent
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) Appl…
Volumes are needed to allow sustainable projects.
I have a Java project which uses the jsch classes. I tried your repo, but had to switch back to sschlib because it supported this:
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
requirement in my th…
Change many dockerfiles and docker-compose.yml across the project to depend on stafli/stafli.init.supervisor based on stafli/stafli.system.minimal instead of stafli/stafli.system.base, which previousl…
Add microbadger badges to README.md.
Ie, https://microbadger.com/images/stafli/stafli.cache.memcached
Let's do things the docker way and allow for logging centralization:
- Rsyslog
- Fluentd
- ELK stack
See also:
Supervisor Init should have it's own repository.
Move it out of stafli/stafli.system.base repository.
Refactor dependencies and build methods to reduce image sizes.
Let's do things the docker way and allow for logging centralization:
- Deprecate (r)syslog logging from dockerfiles
- Make all services log to STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR, have docke capture logs and remo…
PID 1 / Zombie reaping issue:
- https://blog.phusion.nl/2015/01/20/docker-and-the-pid-1-zombie-reaping-problem/
- https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/multi-service_container/
- https:/…