## plan A
- Mathematical and Statistical team
- Neural network and Applied techs team
## plan B
- Pure Data Team
- Alternative Data team
## plan C
- language driven
### User Story
As a Mod Platform user
I expect to be able to use lake formation correctly, without permission errors, as a role/account has not been assigned as admin.
Two roles need to be added:
$ make test
============================================================================================ test session starts =============================================================…
When drawing a screenshot despite having Team's HP Info turned off it includes the Team's HP Info at the top of the screenshot and distorts the dimensions of the image.
How it used to look (taken 7/1…
Group 1:
Alec Greene *
Alina Gorelik
ronald pitts
Group 2:
Sebastian Arrazola
Syed Abedi
Chidinma Nze *
Group 3
Devon P. Weems
DeMarco Heath
Group 4
Alison Will…
Having Players' Controllers Attach Teammates to Group Formation/Separate Group using Detour Crowd Controller
[look here](https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Search/index.html?x=0&y=0&q=detour+cr…
Add unobtrusive and configurable logging to the team formation API to print at the error level and above to stderr by default and configurable to show info level logging easily for debugging purposes.
[link expired]
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when me and my friends form a clique we find it very easy to damage eachother when fighting another clique. if there was a friendly fire solution it would greatly stimulate the formation of teams
All teams are set! Team infos at: [link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Vb_QM-v6wQERfg9vwnF8BVCZ96XnUlcbutPiQAwQr74/edit#gid=0)
We recommend to start working for the project proposal which…