Is there any method to rectify curved text polygons to straightened text bounding box to ease the recognition process?
- [ ] [Rectif Sénat ex: pjl08-155](http://www.senat.fr/rap/l09-567/l09-5672.html#toc1)
- [ ] [Texte rectif JO](https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000028266747&dateTexte=) …
### Model/Pipeline/Scheduler description
Applying pretrained Text-to-Video (T2V) Diffusion models to Image-to-video (I2V) generation tasks using SDEdit often results in low source image fidelity in…
### Description
After installing Rectify11, the left pane in Windows Media Player 12 is completely dark, making it hard to see the items in the left pane. There are also some icons still not rectif…
Hi I am running example bag file V1_02_medium.bag with
rosrun ORB_SLAM3 Stereo_Inertial Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples_old/Stereo-Inertial/EuRoC.yaml true
It throw the error in /home/ubuntu/opencv…
How could I go about training only on the text recognition network? I have a pretty decent image for recognition, and the rectification part is not favouring in my case.
We would love for our request templates (found in the [`templates` folder](https://github.com/datenanfragen/data/tree/master/templates)) to be available in all EU languages, so we can offer our websit…
Hello sir,I'm trying to use CRNN to recognize chinese, and before recognize, I want to rectify the distorted text region. And I found that your network used STN in the detection part,will it rectify t…
你好,很感谢你的工作。关于一篇论文《Robust scene Text recognition with automatic rectification》里面提到了得到tps的控制点 初始化时,有时候随机初始化时不work的,网络训练不会收敛。想问一下这个是什么情况呢?