I may be mistaken, but I believe there may be an error in the TrAdaBoost weight updating formula on line 386.
beta_t = estimator_error / (2. - estimator_error)
If I'm not mistaken, the ori…
I have been looking for a long time without finding the paper you provided,Could you please provide the link of this paper?
I am attempting to use TrAdaBoost with a multi-input TensorFlow model as a base estimator. My input data (Xt, Xs) are lists of the form: [(n_samples, n_timeseries_per_sample, timeseries_len), (n_sampl…
Can Tradaboost algorithm use the predict_proba() method to output the probability values of each sample belonging to the positive and negative classes in binary classification problems?
I found the code you developed about boosting for transfer learning,it gives me many help.I am doing some test about TrAdaboost & TrAdaboost.r2. Could you provide LandmineData.mat if convenience?
### 1、请问**处理缺失值**为什么用这个语句呢?
### 2、不知道是不是我设置的内存不够,运行程序的时候还是报错
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Tradaboost_GitHub.py", line 98, in
pred = tr.tra…
according to the paper, beta0 should be computed using m (the number of differ…
Dear Cao Bin:
Glad to see your TrAdaboost project on github, I'm very interested in it!
However, due to my shallow knowledge. I have a little bit of trouble understanding on which pre-trained model …
I wonder where is the data file.
Method TrAdaBoost , in the file named "testAmazom", line 10, where is the file "../data/processed_acl"?
你好,我看了你计算KL-divergence的那一部分,感觉你是在计算类别分布也就是P(y_d)和P(y_s)两个分布之间的距离,但是在原论文的5.1小节的最后有几句:“KL-divergence on the **feature space** between each corresponding diff-distribution ....”,应该计算的是特征空间P(X)上的KL散度,但是X包…