As you know this is the **best** twiter bot by far on github! But i want to make it even better!
Add here ideas for features that you want to be added
My ideas are:
- Filters:
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Hi, i have a stream running on direct_messages
It all works fine, except after a while stops working
i dont know if the stream api also has rate limits like GET?
i am connecting once, but it …
ghost updated
7 years ago
在推特动态请求的间隔之间,推特账号发送了新推文且[置顶固定推文]后,监听请求新推文似乎就会忽略这条推文,而且用/twitter -s 也无法获取到这条新推文,
Por la configuración de Paraguay, necesitaríamos hacer otra ejecución de twits, pero según parece, tiene una bandera o algo que detecta que ya tuiteó y no vuelve a hacerlo.
Cómo podríamos lograrlo?
For example, my Mastodon instance federates as `theorangeone.net`, but is deployed at `mastodon.theorangeone.net`. This results in the wrong (but still valid) handle being shown:
hello I am having problems getting this error HTTP 403 after running this code below with the class FavRetweetListener, can someone please guide me to the best possible way to fix that error? I have a…
## **What's your nodejs Version.**
> Show the output of: `node -v`
## **What's the version you downloaded the bot?**
> From the releases e.g.: 10.2.0
## **Desktop (please comp…
Please invite me to the GitHub Community Organisation.
- #### Name: Mfundo Shabalala
- #### Discord Username(if exists): @datarist
- #### Additional Context:
I want to bui…
必要import java.util.Scanner;
class PointSumAve {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(System.in);
int sum = 0; // 合計