## Summary
Unity and Godot are two of the most popular game engines currently used. This proposal's deliverables would be SDK extensions to either of the game engines to allow integration with o1js…
Hi, when importing package "Release 2024.8.0" into Unity Engine version "6000.0.23f1", the engine keeps compiling the files over and over again.
A temporary solution is to comment out the files:
[REQUIRED] Please fill in the following fields:
Unity editor version: 2021.3.44f1
External Dependency Manager version: 1.2.183
Source you installed EDM4U: .unitypackage (.unitypackage or Unity Pack…
### Describe the bug?
I can't play with Unity Native Playback Engine. But I can play with LibVLC.
Hi @emilybache, I'm working on adapting the kata for Unity game developers. Here's some questions I have:
1. Unity doesn't have a way to compile down to a command line program, so I'm not sure I'll…
does this support Unity ?
# current packages for working C# api in unity
Use Game Engine Unity to build games.
_(filing this to track ideas and see if there is community interest)_
## Background
IREE is designed to take the "ML" out of "ML deployment" and just turn "running an ML model" into "running som…
Is there any way to use it inside unity , i want to create mobile app that displays rpm,speed etc for android.
Is it possible?
When loaded through [MelonLoader Windows 64bit repo](https://discord.com/channels/663449315876012052/733305093264375849/1278983437201440781) and targeting the