Since a recent (< 4d ago) upstream update, the test `io.vlingo.schemata.resource.ExtendedResourceTest#testSchemaVersionSelection` hangs, but only when run using maven from the shell. In IntelliJ, it r…
event SchemaDefined {
type eventType
timestamp occurredOn
version eventVersion
string foo
string[] bar = {"baz","qux","quux"}
int i = 4242
Currently, all types are generated as subclasses of `DomainEvent`.
Other types need to be declared and used in `io.vlingo.schemata.codegen.backend.java.JavaBackend#baseClassOf`
I get the following error when I run the project as per the instructions in README
./gradlew backend:shadowJar
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '/Users/ga…
Currently, both the editor and the display support markdown formatting.
As (I think) the description will be rendered into the generated code's comments, we need to make sure that this does not break…
**Action**: Project Generation **OS**: Windows 10 **Java Version**: 1.8.0_312 **Designer Version**: 1.8.9-SNAPSHOT **Target**: filesystem **Error Type**: CODEGEN_FAILURE **Designer Model**: { …
We need a backend compiler for C#. We don't know if there is something like JavaPoet for C#, but because types are relatively simple, it might make sense to just do it manually.
An example implemen…
For example, currently, schemata can't parse this VSS file.
data ContactInformation {
version semanticVersion
Vlingo:Developers:io.vlingo.developers.petclinic:PostalAddress:1.0.0 postalAdd…
I tried to build the _vlingo-e2e-sys-airline-ops_ project from the master branch, but it constantly fails with the following error.
[INFO] Reactor Summary for vlingo-e2e-sys-airline-ops 1…
This enhancement item is just to remember that relevant changes and fixes, related to the Schemata Service when running on Docker, have been made in this [PR](https://github.com/vlingo/vlingo-schemata…