During training, I somehow end up with these messages,
00:12:08 Cannot re-initialize CUDA in forked subprocess. To use CUDA with multiprocessing, you must use the 'spawn' start method Process …
I followed the instructions on the GitHub page for installing Autopytorch on my local machine and I was successful in doing so. The problem arises when I try to import auto-PyTorch in my Jup…
LR Schedulers dependent on their type should be updated either epoch-wise or batch-wise. Currently, they are only happening batch-wise which is incompatible with CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts, see…
If only the validation split contains NaNs in certain columns, there might be errors.
My X input is a valid numpy array of float values between 0 and 1 and Y input is integers (0 or 1) and the AutoNetClassifier is yielding the following warning which subsequently becomes an error:
I found that the mininumu number of features for input is 2. Is there any reason?
Because I made custom loss function utilizing two input variables asymmetrically,
and it does not seem t…
I was trying to setup Auto-PyTorch to use with the benchmarking module and re-create some of the experiments from the paper. While testing out individual modules of the library, I ran into what…
Could you please check if pipeline_config is being updated properly?
According to my debugging, it was not.
The evaluation measure chosen by the user in not passed to fit in the trainer and consequentially only accuracy is used in the debugging logs.
@ravinkohli took an initial look at the problem and it…
After installing the latest version of Auto-Pytorch, I got the following errors:
ValueError: numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 88 from C header, got 80 fr…