### Sabu, C., Henna, T. K., Raphey, V. R., Nivitha, K. P., & Pramod, K. (2019). Advanced biosensors for glucose and insulin. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 141, 111201.
Review of…
_**Carpenter, Alexander, et al. “Blueprints for Biosensors: Design, Limitations, and Applications.” Genes, vol. 9, no. 8, July 2018, p. 375. DOI.org (Crossref), doi:10.3390/genes9080375.**_
The art…
This study made me think about the possibility to study cell-cell communication in microbiota (maybe gut microbiota, microbiota from dairy products, or even rhizosphere). It could be really interestin…
For the second half of the week, I am looking more into biosensors.
This paper is very oriented towards chemistry and electronics but I believe is of value. It gives insight on a different type of bi…
**Biosensor Recognition Elements
James P. Chambers, Bernard P. Arulanandam, Lean**
- Selective overview of molecular recognition elements, including receptors, enzymes, antibodies, nucleic acids…
I am doing data analysis for a biosensor thesis project and FlowKit seems to be unable to analyze my data. Below I have attached pictures of my code and of the error given. My flow cytometry data has …
### **Aptamer Sensors**
Giovanna Marrazza - DOI: 10.3390/bios7010005
- single-stranded DNA or short RNA sequences
- isolated in vitro from a library of synthetic oligonucleotides …
Botany Climate change Biodiversity Artificial Intelligence Monitoring source criticism fake news online news Special education Maker Fablab Sea Marine Oc…
### DNA-based memory devices for recording cellular events
Description of all the existing measuring biological da…
**Inniss, M. C., & Silver, P. A. (2013). Building Synthetic Memory. Current Biology, 23(17), R812‑R816. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2013.06.047
A mini review on the existing synthe…