We've received a report through Twitter that our [blog's RSS feed](https://sqlitebrowser.org/index.xml) has incorrect links in it:
The links…
The default rss.xml template uses .Summary for the content of each item. If you want to use the full content instead you have to override the entire template. It would be nice to have an option one …
Thinking of shipping the current resource gallery on a fully responsive website by using site generators and themes of **Hugo** or **Astro**.
[doks theme](https://getdoks.org/) and [astroship theme…
It looks nice on PC! But on my mobile phone (Android), only INTRO page is displayed. Guess a NAVIGATION should be added on the mobile version?
Another advice, can this be made a Hexo (https://hexo…
I am trying to setup an automatic deployment of my Hugo blog to the Github Pages using Wercker. The build phase is ok, I can build my public directory with my blog static files. But I have a Command t…
## Environment
* Ubuntu 16.04
* hugo-algolia 1.2.7
## config.yaml
baseurl: "/"
DefaultContentLanguage: "zh-cn"
hasCJKLanguage: true
languageCode: "zh-cn"
title: "Blog"
theme: "con…
This can be a dumb question (I know) but I didn't understand where should I change to replace the main page. I would like to use the theme for my blog but I want to highlight posts on the landing page…
It would be cool if I can use this as my blog theme
- [ ] [Hexo](http://hexo.io) port
- [x] [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com/) port : thank to the work by @sobolevn
- [x] Hugo port : thank to the work by…
This will likely use google custom search; will require some work on the user side and then tweak some config parameters.
Commenting out the search box until this is done.
# hugo搭建成功 | Bigbig Zheng
开工 之前写博客主要是简书、知乎加hexo,做笔记是语雀。 忽然发现hugo非常快捷,并且配置相对简单。因此使用hugo搭建了个人主页。 之后将会将简书、知乎、hexo的博客进行迁移,笔记依旧使用语雀,语雀的功能相对比较全面。 hugo搭建 之后会抽时间写一下hugo搭建、theme的选择配置、hugo配合algolia配置站内搜索功能以及留言…