I use ed25519 instead of rsa, so when I try to dync modules:
user> (kit/sync-modules)
failed to clone module: git@github.com:kit-clj/modules.git
cause: git@github.com:kit-clj/modules.git: …
The .cljkonfo directory and directories below it contain lots of files that look like normal source code. Could it be that they just got copied there by mistake? Regards
An idea to increase utility of `lein-sub`: Ability to nominate which keys and values in `project.clj` are propagated to / inherited by sub-projects' `project.clj`s. This would reduce management load …
Now, the shadow-cljs is very popular in cljs, so we can compile our project with it
**Describe the bug**
Clojure dart is not able to handle this scenario where a function is defined and used in a subsequent macro.
**To Reproduce**
(defn gensyms [amt]
(vec (repeate…
## Currently..
A decent example of a lib with deprecated vars is https://cljdoc.org/d/org.clojure/tools.namespace/1.5.0/api/clojure.tools.namespace
Here's our current visualization:
- [x] I have read the [Clojure etiquette](https://clojure.org/community/etiquette) and will respect it when communicating on this platform.
More of a question than an issue. Do you know of anyone that has built a `clj-kondo` extension for `odoyle-rules`? I use `clj-kondo` for all of my Clojure development and would like the symbol bindi…
We should add a section to the `README` about the limitations of this project.
Similar to:
- https://github.com/clj-kondo/clj-kondo?tab=readme-ov-file#macros