I'm still looking for something that makes it easier for me to articulate my problems and transforms them into a plan of action and then executes on those actions.
I think something similar to Clojure could be used:
public int count(){
return vec.cnt - (i + offset);
If we have `debug_mode` on when we cluster, we get incorrect results. Most nodes are missing, and the nodes that we _do_ have each appear twice.
import duckdb
import pandas as pd
**What is the bug?**
Running `source=myglue_test.default.http_logs | rare request by clientip`
gets error:
"status": "FAILED",
"error": "{\"Message\":\"Spark exception. Cause: Job abor…
I have been fiddling a bit with fuzzing of the parser in GHDL with aflplusplus, and have now moved the setup over to also work for NVC.
I'm not sure how interested you will be in the results as …
## [Longest Consecutive Sequence](https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-consecutive-sequence/)
정렬되어 잇지 않은 정수형 배열 nums가 주어졌다. nums 원소를 가지고 만들 수 있는 가장 긴 연속된 수의 갯수는 몇개인지 반환하시오.
### 📝 제약조건
- `0
## 💡 Summary
statement: SELECT COUNT(1) AS "cnt" FROM "note" "Note" - duration: 157118.234 ms
statement: SELECT COUNT(1) AS "cnt" FROM "note" "Note" - duration: 163374.735 ms
statement: SELE…
Thank you very much for implementing this project; I came across it after a long research regarding my Weinor blinds...
As described in the instructions, I obtained and soldered a C1101 radio module …
The definition of collectorNode introduces a difference between CEX and CNT collectors. Should these be distinct terms in the glossary?
A hosted set of scripts th…
## [동전0](https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/11047)
준규가 가지고 있는 동전은 총 N종류이고, 각각의 동전을 매우 많이 가지고 있다.
동전을 적절히 사용해서 그 가치의 합을 K로 만들려고 한다. 이때 필요한 동전 개수의 최솟값을 구하는 프로그램을 작성하시오.
### 📝 제약조건
- 첫째 줄에 N과 …