orcfax / glossary

A repo to collaborate on technically accurate definitions for Orcfax domain components
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cntCollector vs cexCollector #35

Open Christian-MK opened 1 month ago

Christian-MK commented 1 month ago

The definition of collectorNode introduces a difference between CEX and CNT collectors. Should these be distinct terms in the glossary?

        A hosted set of scripts that aggregates and signs the
        [CER](#cer) output of an Orcfax CEX or CNT collector.
#        Should cexCollector and cntCollector be defined (or collectors)? The above introduces them as distinct things.
ross-spencer commented 1 month ago

Would they be narrower terms? (more specific?)

I don't see the harm of adding them. For context, they're just two distinct pieces of software, or modules that are invoked as routines of the collector software and their output forwarded to the validator.

Christian-MK commented 2 weeks ago
@prefix : <http://glossary.orcfax.io/#> .
@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
    skos:prefLabel "collector-node"@en;
    skos:definition '''
      A Distinct piece of software which is invoked by a
      collector node in order to query the sources underpinning
      a given cex feed.
    ''' ;
    skos:broader :collectorNode ;
    skos:related :cntCollector.
@prefix : <http://glossary.orcfax.io/#> .
@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
    skos:prefLabel "collector-node"@en;
    skos:definition '''
      A Distinct piece of software which is invoked by a
      collector node in order to query the sources underpinning
      a given cnt feed.
    ''' ;
    skos:broader :collectorNode ;
    skos:related :cexCollector.