orcfax / glossary

A repo to collaborate on technically accurate definitions for Orcfax domain components
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Orcfax glossary

Where definitions come to be immortalized. End of discussion.

For internal and external consumption.

To view

The pretty version is at https://glossary.orcfax.io/

Repo organisation

The top level looks a bit like

$tree -L 1
├── builder           # Our homebrew builder
├── content           # All the definitions
├── docs              # generated output html
├── flake.lock
├── flake.nix
├── justfile          # All the helpful commands
├── README.md
├── templates         # Turtle templates
└── TODOs.md


The builder is a node repo:

Pre-commit is used for tidying:

Helpful command line tools

Run just for suggestions.


See the contributing guidelines.