It is tested not possible to let a contact person to take two different modules simultaneously which is quite common in daily practice.
As a TA, it can be quite impossible to remember a students full name.
However, this command may require that I do so. For example, `viewattendance n/Alex Yeoh Xiao Ming` may be required, but as a TA …
Even though it is stated that module codes have to be capitalised, it would be better if it is able to take in lower case alphabets as well
Command: `edit 1 c/Cs1101S`
Expected: Module updated
As this app is meant for TA's, there is a likelihood that they will accidentally misclick the attendance Buttons in the gui
However, there is no way to select a chosen attendance and mark it as pres…
**Steps to reproduce**:
1. Open `contactcs.jar`.
2. Enter `clear` to clear the address book.
3. Execute the following commands in sequence. These commands add 3 separate contacts to the address book. …
to replicate:
1) open a fresh copy of the application
2) do the following command `import url/https://nusmods.com/timetable/sem-1/share?CS1010=SEC:1,LAB:C03&CS1101S=TUT:05J,REC:04C,LEC:1`
You should be telling the user that there is a duplicate and not the outp…
![Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 5.04.52 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jeffrey-jian/pe/main/files/27ed3a11-93c0-4b07-a103-d58e26d400e0.png)
It is a nice feature to be able to update all TA's h…
I added a test person who has TAed five modules as follows:
`add n/Betsy Crowe e/E1234568@u.nus.edu p/1234567 m/CS1101S m/CS3230 m/CS2040S m/CS2030S m/CS2100 y/3 s/A0123456X tn/1 r/4.99 t/senior`
Under 4.3.3. Adding a student or teaching assistant:
You added John Doe as a TA for CS1101S.
![Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 4.35.39 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nus-cs2103-AY2223S1/pe/mast…