#### **Description:**
We need to fetch and store relevant information from Codacy for each of our repositories. The project already has an integration class that interacts with the Codacy API, so t…
As we expose an extensible data quality assessment service that builds upon our existing automated metadata quality service ([ACD CI-12](https://github.com/orgs/NCEAS/projects/7/views/18)), we will ne…
- [ ] Implement [Content Assembler](https://github.com/surveilr/www.surveilr.com/blob/main/lib/pattern/content-assembler/README.md) pattern to aggregate pre-curated content shared by various influence…
### Run Information
Name | Value
-- | --
Architecture | x64
OS | ubuntu 22.04
Queue | ViperUbuntu
Baseline | [8d21e13719cff737ac9562c98756687cfe616554](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/8d2…
### Run Information
Name | Value
-- | --
Architecture | x64
OS | Windows 10.0.22631
Queue | ViperWindows
Baseline | [643ffd83faf035ed7a8398773f64a18d06777356](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/com…
### Run Information
Name | Value
-- | --
Architecture | x64
OS | ubuntu 22.04
Queue | TigerUbuntu
Baseline | [d3d0fced1d125483d668bef176618e6a805cb2bd](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/d3d…
### Run Information
Name | Value
-- | --
Architecture | x64
OS | Windows 10.0.22621
Queue | TigerWindows
Baseline | [7fe4e4fc17d98e501725550007810152df8cef1b](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/com…
### Run Information
Name | Value
-- | --
Architecture | x64
OS | ubuntu 22.04
Queue | TigerUbuntu
Baseline | [35e23f7216bb7d0c3adfa2217bce35fbc447941e](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/35e…
Hi @michaelweylandt!
I've uploaded my work for MiniProject #3 - check it out!
Hi @michaelweylandt!