Now that Enzyme is becoming more usable by more people, it's probably time to try adding support here.
I'd like to consider this library to support my interaction with ipopt. For that to work I need the gradient, Jacobian, and hessian of functions with respect to the optimisation variable or variables.…
Please provide as much information as you can:
* **Suggested term label:**
* G-quadroplex unwinding activity
* **Definition:**
* Unwinding G-quadruplex structures in nucleic acids, DNA or R…
### Description of feature
Is it possible to run a search with multiple enzymes, or to add a custom enzyme (in this case with the appropriate cleaving locations expected for a 2-enzyme digestion?)
When trying to import mass (or cobra), I get the following error:
ImportError: cannot import name 'object' from 'numpy' (C:\Users\Corentin offline\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\…
Start to try Enzyme in Enzyme explorer. I found it does not compile when a runtime size container is involved, e.g. std::vector, as in the following example,
double dprod(const std::vector& v) {
Here are the 100 top packages using prop-types:
| # | Downloads | Traffic | Package | Issues |
| 1 | 86.83M | 1966.85 GB | [eslint-plugin-react](https://npmjs.com/eslin…
Gostaria de adicionar a informação de trabalho remoto em algumas empresas, mas estou em dúvida sobre o melhor formato. Queria opiniões sobre a melhor forma de adicionar.
Vou deixar um exemplo aqui:…
MWE (PR: https://github.com/JuliaGPU/AMDGPU.jl/pull/668):
using AMDGPU
using EnzymeCore, Enzyme
function square_kernel!(x)
i = workitemIdx().x
x[i] *= x[i]
I will generate an MWE in the morning. Testing out FNOs (https://github.com/SciML/NeuralOperators.jl/pull/52) with #245
julia> ∇fno_compiled = @compile ∇fno(fno, ps, st, x)
error: FFT/IFFT/…