![WhatsApp Image 2023-10-26 at 00 20 09_328444ed](https://github.com/AuxXxilium/arc/assets/101920742/2875857b-5db2-4c9d-8398-f39a4351efce)
![WhatsApp Image 2023-10-26 at 00 20 10_f4943138](https://…
Error: There is no exchange rate for 20220128 (this is the first trade date)
Maybe dateformat problem because in xml export file all dates have format 20220128 but in bsrate-20221130.xml all dates ha…
when dealing with sarracenia encodings, the topic tree provides the post encoding format.
but the WMO specifically rejected that, so to support foreign encodings, need to be able too
specify outside …
when running jwarc as a replay proxy is there a way to disable the serviceworker script injection?
Looking at the source code in the WarcServer class I would like to know if it was possible t…
### Background
We currently have the following functionalities coupled into the same functions, making it difficult to extend or reuse components, and more in general, to handle connections:
* Dis…
Now, I have yet another request to do: I want to bridge some DYP (Contract address: 0x961c8c0b1aad0c0b10a51fef6a867e3091bcef17) from BEP20 network to ERC20 network.
Let me know if it is possi…
I want to know where is the code that the Hello World example or another example uses to go from NW to SC, what call does it make to the SMC? What interruption does Qemu do?
Exchanges: Digital Surge, GPIB, Coinstash
## AC1
- Given I do not have the required claims for the exchange
- When I am on the exchange signup screen,
- Then I will not be able to tap the "Sign …
### Problem
As a partial followup to https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/1408, the changes in js-waku to handle an inbound connection was handled upon which the connection was established and re…
- Check that we use correct LP fees (and exchange) fees in your backtesting and live calculations
- This probably needs to be added to the routing data information
- Currently we have 0.05% error i…