The links to the paper are to my dropbox. So, if you do find some of these interesting please upload them to GitHub and then link. I am saying this because I have lost a big chunk of my notes due to s…
When there is no test file in the project I get the following result:
:examples/fregefx:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
calling: javac -nowarn -source 1.7 -target 1.7 -cp
i'm currently looking at reflection. i've knocked up a little bit of clojure with a library i wrote a few years ago tnat inspects java.lang.reflect and i'm going to attempt to generate idris bindings …
From APUPA created by [bertanimauro](https://github.com/bertanimauro): bertanimauro/APUPA#5
Se le righe delle matrici sono i coefficienti dei polinomi e l'hyperdeterminant trasforma le righe in alt…
Currently needs explicit native gen library in client project
I am seeing the error `Stop! java is not a valid candidate.`. I just installed `jenv` on my Mac (macOS Sierra). Here is the log
› jenv selfupdate
Updating jenv...
Purge existing scripts...…
### Expected Behavior
Gradle Plugin Tasks writing to System.out should work on macOS and windows, E.g.:
System.out.println("Hähö") ;
should output `Hähö` on windows and ma…
BPO | [22171](https://bugs.python.org/issue22171)
--- | :---
Nosy | @doko42, @amauryfa, @abalkin, @meadori, @seanmccully
Files | [crash.log](https://bugs.python.org/file36308/crash.log "Uploaded as te…
This was recently raised on VDMJ (via VDM VSCode). It is quite useful to correctly parse nested `/* ... */` style block comments because it means you can comment out large blocks of code without worry…
Possible directions:
- Survey the existing work on multiple backends (pure11, pure14, truffled-purescript, Lua, etc.)
- Extend/define appropriate ASTs to extract common features used during code gener…
paf31 updated
7 years ago