``i'm trying something like:
path = 'C:\Users\Pekarnya\Videos\Captures\за грубость извени.mp4'
overlay = ffmpeg.input(fr'{path}_folder/input.mp4')
### `yazi --debug` output
Version: 0.3.3 (VERGEN_IDEMPOTENT_OUTPUT 2024-09-23)
Debug : false
OS : linux-x86_64 (unix)
Building the archive in XCode is successful. But an error occurs during publishing.
Looked up who's using such frameworks. It turned out to be media_kit_libs_ios_video.
It uses: Ass.xcframew…
### Problem Description
Previous attempts at integrating unicode support have failed due to the complexity of the problem.
### Related Issue Links
Previous (closed) MRs:
- #3312
- #4123
fribidi_reorder_line()'s manual says:
> There is an optional part to this function, which is whether non-spacing marks for right-to-left parts
> of the text should be reordered to come after their…
As per https://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html neither "command" nor "arguments" key support shell expansion but makefile tools extension generates backticked shell commands regardles…
Hi, is there a guide for removing transcoders from ffmpeg.wasm to reduce output build size? The current guides in the wild seems to be focused on older ffmpeg.wasm-core repo
Bioconductor version 3.18 (BiocManager 1.30.22), R 4.3.3 (2024-02-29)
Installing package(s) 'SeqArray'
trying URL 'https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.18/bioc/src/contrib/SeqArray_1.42.3.tar.gz…
I mean that the VS 2019 project can be generated by `meson --backend=vs2019`, and then compiling and debugging using its GUI.
The output VS 2019 project files still have some bugs, here are some wo…
https://github.com/HOST-Oman/libraqm - can this be an ICU replacement ?
/cc @springmeyer