Insert tables for
> countries: [ISO2](https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search)
> industries: [NACE Rev 2](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/nace-rev2); [dowlnoad](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/nom…
For the end user it should be clear what the licenses are. E.g. the swagger documentation could point to them.
## OSM
through ohsome API: https://ohsome.org/copyrights
The GH…
As a user who has uploaded *.geojson files I would like to see this shapefile. I uploaded a file containing all German municipalities (see http://opendatalab.de/projects/geojson-utilities/) as well as…
Instead than default from OSM. Important to reflect the official position of EU on geopolitics.
Compatible with Leaflet.
Hi @antagomir
As you know, I developed [`giscoR`](https://github.com/dieghernan/giscoR) as a kind of spatial spin-off of `eurostat`.
Recently I have been working on improving the cache dir mana…
When I build locally my site with `pkgdown::build_reference(run_dont_run = TRUE)` the behaviour is the one expected, i.e. examples with `\dontrun{}` are run.
However, when deploying to GitHu…
Since the upgrade to v 1.9000.9000.9000 I see an issue on homepage (parsed from README):
#> Hernangómez D (2021). _giscoR: Download Map Data from GISCO API
On previous vers…