I'm wondering whether it is possible to obtain the weather foreast for a certain defined time (e.g. 13:30 13/02/2013)? As far as I can see, there is no difference between querying on a time or on…
Segments that need in depth QA due to large errors, missing data, or peculiar interest. @mwdunlap2004 @COBrogan @ilonah22
- Too small?:
- L51079 https://github.com/HARPgroup/model_meteorology/i…
We currently only support slippage for strategies with a DAILY resolution.
This is because slippage needs to get the daily high price to calculate the total slippage. For daily resolutions, we use fm…
Add NBM forecast data to Geoserver
Hi @malmans2
I have used the tool on ERA5 (single levels and vertical levels). It probably worked on the complete file of hourly file, but when one timestep in between is missing,
* The check f…
Add button and keyboard shortcut to automatically go to next analysis window. The analysis window will be either 1 hour or 1 day depending on what visualization tab is used.
> You hit the limit of 10000 datapoints - some data may be omitted
When selecting a broad enough span of time together with a high enough resolution of data points one may run into this limitation.…
Creating trajectories:
- Add metadata to NetCDF output
- Improve linear trajectory to work with haversine functions and actual velocities
- Relax assumption of hourly data?
**Describe the task**
Weather data and fire weather indices must be retrieved from WildfireOne for station locations and interpolated to a raster that matches the provincial extent and resolution of a…
High-frequency pv simulations are useful in several contexts including grid impact studies and energy storage simulations. The scarcity of high-frequency irradiance datasets has spurred the developme…