Hi @oshah97
new branch "abandonWebPack" is working.
I suggest:
git clone https://github.com/cytoscape/cyjShiny.git
cd cyjShiny
git checkout abandonWebPack
make install demo
open http:/…
A feature request or wish for a htmlwidget ui wrapper to the pivot_table() fcn, similar to what shows up in this screenshot:
When accessing dygraph object in shiny via input$plotName_click, it only returns the y coordinates and series.name for the first time series in the plotted xts object. Is it possible to generalize thi…
Using a crosstalk::SharedData dataframe, the result after calling
htmlWidget = htmlwidgets::createWidget(
name = 'summarywidget',
width = width,
height = height,
package = 'su…
I have just noticed that the encoding with htmlwidgets can be wrong due to the current definition of slick_div.htmlwidget, The ```r readLines``` function is by default not "UTF-8", resulting in…
Should be decently straightforward to add these two. See here for extensions:
This is not an API that anywidget exposes. But htmlwidgets does. Does it make sense to allow users to define a `resize` in their esm?
Is there a way to add the setting button to the htmlwidget (created/coded in RStudio) that are in the web version, as this one?
rhs94 updated
3 months ago
I'm following the instructions [here](https://github.com/ramnathv/htmlwidgets/blob/master/vignettes/develop_advanced.Rmd) to override the `toJSON` arguments, but the override params are not being used…
I am attempting to make a htmlwidget but I am running into some trouble when scaffolding reads the bower.json.
htmlwidgets::scaffoldWidget("epivizrChart", "epiviz/epiviz-chart")