Add **aipdf** as an option for extracting data from pdfs as a provider or tool
I was wondering if I could add including files from urls (for instance from raw github content)? Obviously, this should only work for pages that are code files, e.g. some content from [github r…
Have plan supporting like `terser-webpack-plugin` [include](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/terser-webpack-plugin?tab=readme-ov-file#include) and [exclude](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/terse…
I think there is a bug in the `getPath()` method. It is composed as `static::getScriptName() . static::getPathInfo())`. And `getScriptName()` returns the contents of `$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']`. In my e…
In a [previous discussion](https://github.com/cph-cachet/carp.core-kotlin/issues/431#issuecomment-1974898425), we concluded that not including `DeviceRegistration` was an omission, with an intent to n…
As appendices, possibly we could include (at least the not-otherwise-included parts of):
- https://slatestarcodex.com/2015/12/30/introducing-unsong/ (this one has only about 2 paragraphs of not-oth…
It would be useful to be able to exclude or include differences based on a type like their "symbol". This way we could ignore or focus on differences of a certain kind. I.e. in my case to do a "righto…
@HarryVienna That's an amazing project, thank you for sharing!
Could you share the Squareline Studio project files so I can have some fun extending it?
Thank you!!
I’m building my project with cryptopp using FetchContent:
GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/abdes/cryptopp-cmake.git
MuJoCo "include" for composing models is a very powerful feature. It is very useful when one has a large library of models and wants composability between them. Further developing this functionality t…