Because the pins number are directly specified instead of using the constant defined in :
The SpeechRecognizer and it…
when core is in the privilege which is less than "M",then "mie" and "sie" are useless and "global interrupt switch" is always open.
The problem is issued because of the line 408 and the line 412 of f…
Hi everyone,
I would like to create a webserver in my Maixduino board, and i see that it is impossible to implement those micropython functions ( bind .. listen.. accept). I have found next in the so…
The example of SPI is not communication on maixduino.
Maixduino communication is follow,
I've a problem with debugging Maix Bit board using openocd. I'm using PlatformIO with Kendryte Standalone SDK.
**OS**: Ubuntu 18.04
**k210 platform**:Sipeed MaiX BiT with Mic
I'm preparing a Register Definition File (RDF) to make debugging easier with VisualGDB and I've found that the "Hardware Register" windows does not provide correct access to peripheral registers. I sh…
I am using maixpy on a M5StickV K210 chip camera. For a project I would need to invert the UART communication. I have found solutions for this on the original MicroPython documentation (the _in…
Immersive Linear Algebra
* http://immersivemath.com/ila/index.html
* https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/65802462
* https://www.s2js.com/altair/
* https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-models/…
I'm trying this very amazing project, but I seem to have encountered a problem.
I use [A-EYE](https://github.com/david-pzh/A-Eye) hardware,I have modified the pins of the LCD and SD card for A-E…