In particular maybe `foghorn::cran_incoming()` can help make the code here more elegant? h/t @fmichonneau
It seems I didn't have the right datafile for the box plot examples. I've created a new version (attached)
I'm not sure how to properly update the version in the package though...
add to [use_covrpage](https://github.com/yonicd/covrpage/blob/master/R/use_covrpage.R#L29) and option to build a tic.R file and a travis.yml that has `tic` dependency.
The docs currently say "Concepts are not currently well-supported by roxygen2, but may be useful if you write Rd files by hand." but with dev `roxygen2` concepts are parsed by, even derived from famil…
I'm getting errors trying to create a project with the `Addins` feature
✔ Commit with message 'First commit of this impressive project, yowza!'
Error: argument is not a character ve…
As said earlier, fantastic package and initiative!
I have trouble understanding why `pkgreview_create` and `pkgreview_init` are two separate functions?
http://pkgdown.r-lib.org/reference/build_home.html?q=authors#yaml-config-authors (so if one lists rOpenSci as fnd, one can add its logo!)
Via `ghrecipes::is_package` on all lockedata and stephlocke repos.