Hello! I've tried to contact you in your e-mail. I've sent you the GLTF file that I'm trying to import. The issue that I'm having is the following:
1- Why game engine?
2- Why use Unity Game Engine?
3- How to use Unity with Flutter?
4- Is Unity being overheard in easy and basic games?
5- What is better: using unity in the whole app, in all gam…
How do I rig properly a character/an outfits to use body tracking feature?
From what I have tested - the body tracking feature of ARKit is pretty much unusable when it comes to using your own chara…
Hi, I bought animancer pro and am currently working on setting up a state machine based character controller, most states would have a serialized TransitionState as they are all SerializedObjects in o…
# Use Case
I want to use Animancer in combination with [Live2D Cubism](https://www.live2d.com/en/). A key workflow for Cubism is layering expressions on top of motions with multiplicative blending,…
I want to build a system similar to https://blog.unity.com/technology/mecanim-humanoids.
1. 3d Mesh data of the vertices
5. 3d Mesh data loop edge length of the mesh for the wais…
I want to play a mirrored mecanim-configured animation at runtime. How can I do that?
ローカル回転を除去すると `Constraint` の実装が難しいので、回転の除去を断念しました。
* スケール
* ミラー
* Mesh と Bone の不一致を Bind 行列で吸収している可能性の排除
* 例えば blender 由来の Mesh が Z-UP で寝ているのを root 付近の X90度回転で引き起こしているモデル…
Currently, when two clips in a mixer are of different length, when they aren't normalized, they desync. when used with walk animations, this causes weird behaviour. If the mixer is normalized, the r…
Using a mecanim animator with a single bool parameter and animation and a standard MxM setup for a human character (ie similar to the tutorial series setup)
When the mecanim animator is blended in …