Currently, I can export both the texture and the model for an asset, but the exporter doesn't provide any information in the exported model files for how the texture should be applied. (I tested both …
## Idea
Explore the possibility to make cantera easier to understand, maintain and extend by means of rewriting part of it using equation based modeling method and software infrastructures such a…
**Godot version:**
**OS/device including version:**
Debian 10.4
**Issue description:**
Blender 2.83 export import format GLTF/DAE problem miscellaneous left or ri…
Hello guys, so I am trying to create a dynamic state flowsheet. According to the documentation, If dynamic = True, the flowsheet is declared to be a dynamic flowsheet. I tried this but I keep getting…
### Godot version
3.3.4.stable, 3.4.2.stable
### System information
Linux Nvidia GLES2/3
### Issue description
Importing an armature exported from blender as a GLTF file won't work unle…
Request to add an addition Cry Engine/Star Citizen File format to the CGF-Converter, as to serve as method for non-Blender users to import Prefab/Object Container data.
- Converter will read a var…
# List of Open Pyomo Performance Enhancement Ideas
This issue compiles individual ideas for improving Pyomo's overall performance. Each idea is tied to a (closed, but unresolved) issue where discu…
After the merge of #119, we can implement dynamic line trips.
### 路由地址
### 完整路由地址
### 相关文档
The overall update to the read the docs is good, but the modeling extension section still needs work.
Tools included in the section: ALAMOpy, RIPE, HELMET, Pysmo, MatOpt, Caprese
- Su…