We are using MvcSiteMapProvider in MVC5 project. We have static sitemap in the directory with the following structure:
See also #337, #326
Basically the problem comes down to the different packages requiring different version of the Ninject library. For my case, I was trying to bring Ninject into a Web.MVC project …
I have rewritten an old WebForms site in MVC5 (Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Update 4, Windows 7 64-bit), and want to add permanent redirection from the old URLs to the new. Reading your blog po…
Can you please update the dependency of System.Web.Mvc.dll to version 5.2.3
The dependency is now set to 5.2.0 and it breaks deploy on Azure
Can you please help me to install react js, babel and webpack with visual studio 2017 in asp.net mvc 5?
Hello. I've searched for a couple of days on the web and in the documentation for this project and I just can't seem to find a clear example of how to send the checklist data back to the server. I'm…
We have a large project that I have added Glimpse to. The project runs when Glimpse is not installed, it runs when the database has previously been created. We get the following error when EF needs…
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2 dias Paulo
Import aus Forum: http://forum.pokefans.net/pokefans-feedback/topic69349.html
Schwierigkeit: Trivial
Sofort Umsetzbar: Ja
9f26f8f50c5057926e33dea6967954e739adb77a added code from the [R4MVC](https://github.com/T4MVC/R4MVC) repo (from [this](https://github.com/T4MVC/R4MVC/tree/develop/src/R4Mvc.Tools) sub-project) at some…