via @atomrab: I wanted to move our discussions into the issue tracker, since I've found that as productive, if not more so, in other projects than long email threads.
I don't know if one can add cat…
It looks like we have a nice set of additions that could make up a new release in the near future, although there are a few outstanding PRs that would be nice to have. Any objections to planning a v0…
Right now, when you select a particular period collection/source, you can't get back to the list of collections without hitting the browser back button, which takes you to a blank page where you have …
Shouldn't the call to our server result in my browser downloading a local copy of all the data, which it would then display when I navigate to test.perio.do, until I perform a new sync? Currently it a…
To map to a CSV output, we need to decide how to handle
- Spatial coverage (I'm fine with just including the description)
- Alternate labels
- Localized labels
Accept text in the text block that is not a URL or a DOI, i.e. data dumps (in XML) not published elsewhere : "Add periodization," http://perio.do/periodo-client/#periodizations/add/
I started to add a period to a local collection I'd made for the CHGIS periodization, but then decided I wanted to cancel it out to fix a mistake in the previous period I'd added. Clicking the cancel …
Via @atomrab: It would be helpful to have a list of the other periods in a given periodization/period collection on the page for the entry of a new period. This would help the user remember which peri…
When grabbing a list of classes of a student, it returns in the order specified by PS internally. I desire the output sorted by period, essentially giving me a schedule of my classes. According to @he…
It would be helpful to have a list of the other periods in a given periodization/period collection on the page for the entry of a new period. This would help the user remember which periods from a lar…