Guys? Its been already two days since 10.62.0 released and it cannot be patched, gives failure. 10.62.1 also. Usually crimera response was incredibly fast, we were having updated patches in manner of …
Perlu setel rotasi supaya bisa ditinggal.
Sekarang dorong paket kena beginian,
2021/10/31 19:16:51 handler.go:385: write /mnt/irgsh/irgsh/chief/submissions/2be1ed8e-450a-4832-837f-b6079c7a2…
When ever I launch Twitter v10.49.0 patched with all Piko Patches, the app crashes after about 2 - 3 seconds. I attached a logcat log below.
Is it possible to stop the bottom navigation bar from disappearing when scrolling?
And is it possible to get rid of "premium" and "Grok"?
Težavo imam s preoblikovanjem tabele WBD, pri uvozu podatkov. Razlicne vrednosti v prvem stolpcu bi morale biti posamezni stolpci, stolpci 2000:2017 pa bi morali iti pod stolpec 'leto'. S funkcijo mel…
As described in Unicode TR50:
* https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr50/tr50-28.html
Some Unicode glyphs are meant only for horizontal text, and they have their corresponding glyphs in vertical text.…
## Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear adapter developer,
I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I h…
![OpenWB Dashboard](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7941183/166685329-deb26db8-93dc-4e94-8e51-645b62f38ce5.png)
![OpenWB PV Configuration](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7941183/…
za svoj projekt sem ustrezne tabele našel le na eurostatu. Zanima me ali je dovolj da prenesem le tabelo v html formatu, ali jo moram izluščiti iz celotne strani, kot je naprimer narej…
It seems as though when I run `piko` as a `StatefulSet` using `tcp`, I am running into random connection closures (from the agent?).
These are the logs I see from the `agent`: