With Google scholar's scholar id setup, the result from Google Scholar has very limited metadata. Is it possible to get all the metadata from Google Scholar (e.g. data, journal title, citations etc)? …
The Indra library will be used to process the full content of articles; set it up locally.
I think we should require from authors to provide exactly one identifier for each reference. I suggest to provide a list like this of acceptable identifiers, in the order of preference (if multiple ap…
tkuhn updated
7 years ago
We received a question from a Swiss coder concerning a patient with Central Giant Cell Granuloma (CGCG), term not listed in the Orphanet nomenclature. However, the nomenclature does include …
Variable names should not be automatically converted to lowercase as CSL legitimately includes some upper case variable names (e.g. CSL/URL). If you do want to do this automatically, you'd also need t…
Get all the facts associated with a given paper and bucket them by occurrences.
This can then be used to give us: main topic statements
I have noticed strange behaviour using the `PubMedFetcher` API.
When you try to use the `article_by_doi` method, often it does not return an article, even when that DOI is available in PubMed. I du…
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I just came across this endpoint: https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/esummary.fcgi?db=pubmed&id=22733540&retmode=json from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/tools/get-metadata/, which gives …
"The mission of the Influenza Research Database (IRD) is to provide a resource for the influenza virus research community that will facilitate an understanding of the influen…