Hi Xu,
I had used AC Loss to try seg 2-class images. Although the loss is decreasing, dice score doesn't improve at all. On the contrary, dice score is at a fairly low value, about 0.0001.
@charliememory Thanks for your patience. ( ̄▽ ̄)", I have implemented your paper with Pytorch.
Pytorch implemention: [Human-Pose-Transfer](https://github.com/budui/Human-Pose-Transfer)
budui updated
5 years ago
when I try to training pytorch with all your setting in origin python implementations,it seems loss
decrease when begin but wave at val loss about 0.19x_ after about 3-4 epoch training is it normal?
I ran your code by just setting timestep to 3 millions like in the official paper (the other parameters were let by default like in your code). I couldn't reproduce the 15,000 result of the pap…
In the paper, Table 2, the SparseNet_d_40_k_12 (no bottleneck)
the total parameters of the model is 0.8M from the chart
However I run your code (tensorflow)
the log shows the total paramter count i…
Does the SANet opened the source code ?
Thanks for sharing your codes.
I modified `source_voc_pascal.py` to train **VOC2007 + VOC2012 trainval**.
And after training, I evaulated on **VOC2007 test** but the result is far below compare…
train_grads_pos and train_grads_neg in func compute_unrolled_step are equal due to the unchanged train_loss, which finally leads to a 1st-order implement.
I have read the code carefully but can't find the skip connection part.
And i have several questions:
1> In the code , the input patch size is 33x33, but 32x32 in the paper?
2> In the paper wit…
Hey, anybody knows how to fine-tune? My own dataset is about 2000 labeled images, can I fine-tune this pytorch implemention of R-FCN?
What should I do ?