Pre-Report Checklist
- [x] I am running the latest versions of pyQuil and the Forest SDK
- [x] I checked to make sure that this bug has not already been reported
Issue Des…
I think we could make starting the QVM and quilc more convenient by allowing Python to spin up the subprocesses itself in just 1 command within Python. It could also check if they're already running b…
Shared memory mode allows lots of great benefits for high-performance users of the QVM.
1. It allows the wavefunction to be shared across several processes in parallel.
2. It allows incremental …
# Description
We can improve our developer docs by describing how developers can set up a development vm instead of using `sd-app` directly. This will require that we make it clear that there are s…
Just an idea, but as larger devices become increasingly common it might be nice to have the memory demands of the QVM depend on the number of _entangled_ qubits rather than just the number of qubits. …
There are at least three modes of allocation:
1. Native, with memory being handled by the lisp image. This is generally best-suited for the batch-mode execution of the QVM. The size of memory is …
Quake3e is firing an [Exception](https://github.com/ec-/Quake3e/blob/master/code/win32/win_main.c#L730) while running [exit()](https://github.com/ec-/Quake3e/blob/master/code/win32/win_main.c#L117) be…
"8q-qvm" etc
Qubes R4.0 introduced [Qubes Admin API](https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2017/06/27/qubes-admin-api/), which allows a VM to manage other VMs on a Qubes system without assuming full privileges of Dom0.
This is to facilitate (reasonably safe) migration of qubes from one pool to another (e.g. located on a USB disk). When using together with `--shred` the tool should also shred (dd if=/dev/zero) the co…