### Are you requesting a feature, reporting a bug or asking a question?
Requesting a feature
### What is the current behavior?
I have a use-case where I would like to add multiple dynamic pan…
Здравствуйте. Спасибо за вашу библиотеку! Очень хочется, что бы вы обновили её на новую версию SDK яндекса! Спасибо!
### Are you requesting a feature, reporting a bug or asking a question?
Requesting a feature
### What is the current behavior?
The library needs the CSP for `style-src` to be `unsafe-inline`. …
thanks for this great survey, i was waiting it for weeks !
But i have a big question regarding data consistency in [the connections page](https://2018.stateofjs.com/connections/).
How …
### Are you requesting a feature, reporting a bug or asking a question?
Reporting a bug or asking a question. I could be doing this wrong but I don't think so.
### What is the current behavior?
### Introduction
Deprecate Cocoapods as the dependency manager for iOS, and add support for Swift Package Manager (SPM) as its successor.
### Details
There is growing evidence that SP…
### Issue Summary
Server not staring after setup completion in GitHub Codespaces.
Click to view logs
👋 Welcome to Codespaces! You are on a custom image defined in your devcontainer.json …
# 一段的 React-markdown 研究之旅
因為在學習系統的進度報告出現了奇怪的排版而困惑不已的我,踏上了研究 React-markdown 的旅途。 # 前情提要 事情是這樣子的,參加 Lidemy 程式導師計畫的學生需要定期在進度報告中發表學習進度、心得,白話一點就是可以用 markdown...
### Are you requesting a feature, reporting a bug or asking a question?
### What is the current behavior?
add a property to the survey object not set default value in json definition
I was trying to figure out a way but it doesn't seem to work for me if I try to put this on server side.
I am using this boilerplate.