I am trying to run this app locally by issuing the command `npm run storybook`. I get so many errors as shown below:
ERROR in ./node_modules/@storybook/addon-info/node_modules/@storybook…
Are you sure that you want to build your storybook into `docs` folder and keep it in git repo?
The Start menu show in story components is not exportable, so I cant use as the example shown in StoryBook
Doing this way:
import {Menu} from 'react95'
Any suggestion?
As seen here:
![Screenshot from 2019-04-21 16-59-18](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13558253/56475678-94091180-6459-11e9-949a-afb4813abfc9.png)
I implemented something based on the ex…
The onChange function is not working with TextArea component. Changing to a normal input or Reac95 TextField component as ABA Testing works fine.
Code below:
```jsx harmony
import React, { useS…
We need to implement Tree view component:
We need to make a build process to generate dist files.
Can be one of the main bundler tools like Webpack, Rollup or just transpiling with Babel.
What approach do you think we can take?
After t…
It throws an error when use some component that render an Icon.
To fix that, the assets folder need to be present inside dist folder after build process end.
Edição número **286**.
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