Per Interview Intro Video? Per company?
# S - Space
There are existing methods and written scripts used to do Candidate Placement in a Company OneNote. The current method is already in orbit. Meaning that it is getting a few candidates pla…
Interns' LinkedIn profile integration in Profiles page. In case in the future any recruiters/others want to explore all the interns' LinkedIn profiles, it will be helpful to them...
Upon inputting `add n/John Doe p/23456789 e/johndoe@example.com j/Data Analyst r/Interview s/Java` in a list with an already existing John Doe the following result appears.
![Screenshot 2022-04-16 at …
Is this live somewhere? If so, use the "website" field in the "Settings" menu of the repo to show it off! It helps with recruiters when you top project is 🔥 ;)
Upon inputting `add n/John Doe p/23456789 e/johndoe@example.com j/Data Analyst r/Interview s/Java` in a list with an already existing John Doe the following result appears.
![Screenshot 2022-04-16 at …
Maybe someone makes this. If you want to use this as a portfolio post-grad this would be a good place to make it easier for recruiters to see what the project is about thru GitHub. Regardless it would…
When I enter special characters (apostrophe) for the recruiter name, the following error is returned:
I've been working on a similar project to weed out the spammer recruiters in gmail. Feel free to poach the list I've got. I'll likely be merging yours into mine too.