I've been following the [Husky Dual UR5 Mobile Manipulation Demo (Simulation)](https://www.clearpathrobotics.com/assets/guides/husky/HuskyDualManip.html) tutorial. And I am on Controlling The Gri…
Hi Stephen,
I added a Robotiq 85 gripper into the test_scene_robots.ttt in the assets folder.
Followed every step in the 'adding robot' tutorial, python files etc.
And it passed the get_gripper, …
I've been thinking about modifying TrajectoryFollowers to include a way to control the Robotiq grippers, but it seems like functions that are provided by URCaps (like rq_move) are unavailable whe…
I am trying to move the ur5 + Robotiq gripper in a small circle.
First I bring up the ur5 + robotiq gripper:
roslaunch ur_modern_driver ur5_robotiq_2f85_bringup2.launch robot_ip:=192.…
Is there a plan or an estimated date to port this package to ROS 2.0?
Apart from the https://github.com/AcutronicRobotics/MARA/issues/51 issue, there is a mismatch in the values we have to set to open and close the gripper (tested on the gripper 140).
In simulation 0…
Hi Thomas and all,
I am trying to use the URScript topic to control a Robotiq gripper, but somehow cannot make it work. If anyone has suggestion, please kindly let me know.
The following script …
Using `test_mara_model.launch` to launch RViz and the joint state publisher, the joints of the gripper do not move in a coordinated manner as shown in the screenshots below.
As an effort to release husky for kinetic, I am planning on moving all UR5 related bringup to a separate package to break the dependency on UR and moveit.
This will be a good chance to get a stable…