I've noticed that the bottom most element on the horizontally aligned bar graph on the "Summarize this data" page is missing (at least in my data).
1) Takes ages to `request_url()` due to retrying. Should probably fail straightaway on 404?
2) Raises an incredibly generic, minimal information error:
`RuntimeError: Max retries exceeded for `
Hi Chrisdev,
I'm using your pdftable library to extract and format tables from the following PDF.
However, I'm experiencing the foll…
Nobody cares
@tothebeat is working on Illinois datasource.py. we're hoping there is a better data source for special elections than the [portal link provided in the data admin](http://dashboard.openelections.net/a…
Unexpected error while structuring and processing uploaded spreadsheet.
The xlsx file : http://d.pr/f/GGXa
Simon O'Brien, who's leading the [Mayoral Commission into Green and Open Space](http://liverpool.gov.uk/mayor/mayoral-commissions/strategic-green-and-open-spaces-review-board/), presented some of thei…
Some of the panes of the summarise tool are boring for my data, I'd like to either delete them, never to return or shuffle the panes so I can get the interesting ones in a screen shot.
Or maybe it is, I'm not sure!
But compared to the Twitter tools, when I go to the "Get US stock data" page it isn't clear that the "TSLA" I've entered is being updated regularly.
The second ww.NewSheetWriter fails with "zip: write to closed file".
I don't know where's the error, but for example neither have found the pont where ww.headerWritten becomes true...
See https://gi…