start up settings.
JAVA_ARGS="-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=400 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=64m -XX:MetaspaceSize=1024m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=2048m -Xss2048k $JAVA_ARGS";
I have 300 GB assigned.
My Ya…
The swagger container can not access the openapi.json-file due to **cors**
I'm using the standard `docker-compose.yaml` and `docker compose up`
Error message from Swagger:
We are encountering issues with the load balancer in i2 Analyze:
Service Status:
Accessing the stats page at https://i2analyze.eia:9046/haproxy_stats;csv;norefresh returns:
Re: [Pantheon Search (formerly Pantheon Solr)](https://docs.pantheon.iosolr)
Priority: Medium
## Issue Description:
Reported by @matthewboman
Seeing some customer confusion on our Solr docs h…
Our current code has reached a stage where a review of all features and some refactoring are necessary to accommodate upcoming requests. This process is expected to conclude by early December, althoug…
Seeing an issue launching the latest Solr 9.7.0 this morning. Can anyone replicate? Using a `.solr_wrapper.yml` and pinning to 9.6.1 works.
ewlarson@beanburrito-5 geoblacklight_admin % bin…
**Describe the bug**
If you create several result plugins on a TYPO3 page with different settings, then these settings are merged down in the backend output for the plugins and thus output incorrectl…
Prior work: https://github.com/nsidc/dataone_exploration
@rushirajnenuji provided this information:
We use solr index to store and search the metadata related to datasets. The UI display is mos…
The Lucene team is using a tool called javacc to generate the main business logic behind the query parsers. If we had a similar tool it could help:
Speed up the process of porting/upgrading QueryPa…